All projects I finished

Projects during UNI and work

There are 5 projects showed below: 2 in universities and 3 in workplaces. Thank you for reading them and please give more suggestions to let me do it better!

Rebuilt whole website

In 2016, I was assigned to a team within Yankuang Group tasked with the revitalization of our website. I assumed the responsibility for crafting and designing the services and products pages. In addition to this, I meticulously edited all the images and seamlessly integrated them into the database. My next step involved ensuring that these images were presented with the utmost quality on the various subsites that I personally designed.

Design and built a website for a restaurant

This project, which I developed individually during my university studies, involved the design of six web pages and the implementation of a comment and messaging board. Users have the ability to register as members, leave comments, and their information is automatically stored in the database. Through this project, I gained a deeper understanding of various CSS techniques, and my proficiency in applying JavaScript significantly improved. In the end, my efforts were recognized with a high evaluation from the professor, and I achieved a score of 92. The success of this project played a pivotal role in securing a High Distinction (HD) in the Web Design and Programming course.

Website and Food Recognisation for Canberra Hospital

In this project, our team of four diligently designed and developed a functional website tailored for Canberra Hospital’s needs. Leveraging Docker, we meticulously crafted a robust environment encompassing our host, system, and database, ensuring seamless integration and scalability. The primary requirement from our client was to create a software platform allowing patients to conveniently order food while optimizing staff efficiency through food recognition technology.

Understanding the significance of our task, we procured two cameras and a Raspberry Pi to facilitate food recognition seamlessly. Our frontend development, driven by HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensured an intuitive user interface for patients. Transitioning to the backend, Python became our tool of choice to construct a solid foundation and link our system with the Raspberry Pi. One of our major challenges revolved around enhancing the accuracy and simplicity of food recognition. We dedicated considerable effort to analysing various recognition modules, consistently refining our system for optimal performance. Our comprehensive database enabled us to effectively store and manage data originating from patient orders and Raspberry Pi inputs, facilitating seamless data retrieval and analysis as needed.

Our efforts culminated in the creation of a highly effective product, garnering recognition from our esteemed professor. We were honoured to receive an award certificate, testament to our dedication and innovation.

Design and built a website for a photo studio in my workplace

We aim the development of a WordPress-based website comprising four main pages and two sub-pages. My primary responsibility involved designing and creating both the main page and a sub-page. Initially, I undertook the task of uniformly converting and extracting text and image content from customer-provided PNG and PDF files.

Utilizing HTML and CSS, I ensured that the design and development of the pages aligned seamlessly with the established style determined in collaboration with the client. Throughout the web page production phase, meticulous attention was given to adjusting gaps and background elements between sections, employing inspect to fine-tune margin, padding, and other design elements.

Furthermore, I conducted detailed queries to ensure the vertical alignment of images, uniformity in text color changes, and consistency in blank gaps within each section and column. Post-production, I rigorously assessed the responsiveness of the website across various devices, meticulously adjusting size changes for optimal viewing on mobile and iPad platforms.

Collaborating closely with the team, we conducted thorough testing and made necessary adjustments to ensure the flawless delivery of each page, thus ensuring a seamless website experience for the client.

Reconstruction Project of Thai Restaurant Website

In this project, our team focused on the reconstruction of the Thai restaurant website, aiming to imbue the website with the festive ambiance of Christmas and New Year, while adding a takeaway menu with holiday pricing adjustments.

Depending on the customer’s needs, the key question is how to display or hide different prices for the same food in specific situations, as there are three prices for each item (eat-in price, holiday price, and takeaway price).

First, we completed the decoration of the entire website by editing and resizing images and using CSS animation to create exquisite posters, color pages, and animations. 

Then, we tackled the price section. I introduced a new menu section using the WordPress platform and integrated additional price tags for all food items.

We then encountered the challenge of triple pricing an item, which was solved by adding special JavaScript codes into the CSS and JS plugin, effectively hiding two prices for an item on a specific page.

After that, I was responsible for all price reviews and bug fixes.

Finally, we leveraged our checking tools for thorough price verification and bug fixes to ensure accuracy and customer satisfaction.